Sunday, July 11, 2010

Goodbye PICU!

Miss Josie had a very busy day.  She was greeted this morning by Mom, Dad, and special guest, Grandpa Hop!
She also got to remove her cannula and try breathing on her own.  Her oxygen saturation levels were not perfect, but they are much higher than they were before surgery.  We are still optimistic that once the fluid drains from her lungs and it no longer hurts to breathe deeply, Josie may ditch the oxygen altogether.  Keep your fingers crossed!

We got another terrific surprise when Nurse Stephanie announced we would be leaving the PICU and going down to the regular pediatric floor.  Woo Hoo!  Josie had one last bottle in the PICU and we packed up and hit the road. 

Nurse Stephanie burps Josie

Josie packs about as lightly as her mom.  Only the top 100 essential items!

Cruisin' down the halls

Josie's new digs
(Grandpa Hop looks exhausted from the big move, doesn't he?)
Overall it was a good day! 

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