Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reunited and it feels so good

They picked up right where they left off...

Unanticipated side effect of motherhood: insane jealousy towards the ceiling fan. 

Pathetic, I know. 


  1. Oh my firstborn had an obsession with the fan too, he was in LOVE with it! She is doing great, love her smile!

  2. those photos are awesome!

    and no, not pathetic!! adorable

  3. HAHAHAHAHA! I'm picturing the whole reunion in slow motion...with the two running towards each other in an open meadow...wind blowing through their "hair"...
    If it's any consolation, I feel the exact same resentment for Mickey Mouse.

  4. I know that feeling all too well. : )

  5. LOL - mine finally decided I was more interesting than the ceiling fan around 12 months or so :o) See... there IS hope!

  6. Sweet baby! So glad she's home! Darling sweetie she is! :-)

  7. Abbie LOVES the fan! :-) Congrats on Josie coming home.

  8. So VERY happy to see she is home!!!

  9. HAHAHA I love this post! My daughter is 4.5 now and STILL insists on having the fan on at all times. The problem is she can reach it herself now so we just have to live with it being on no matter how cold it is out. ;) Feel free to come "meet" her at our blog.

  10. Hi. I stopped by from My Name is Sarah. What a beautiful little girl! I have a little boy with cerebral palsy, Max. I will never forget the day we took him to a restaurant that had a ceiling fan, he was probably six months old. He giggled for the entire meal—and after that, we got him a ceiling fan!

    Your story is so inspirational.
