Friday, July 29, 2011

Josie is 16 Months Old!

Josie turned 16 months old yesterday but thanks to an Internet connectivity dilemma at our house, this post wasn't possible until today. 

We are so proud of our little girl!  She is learning new things everyday.  She babbles non-stop and has even added some new words to her vocabulary including "book" and "baby"!  I realize I need to capture this on video and upload it but I'm going to go ahead and throw out the I'm-9-months-pregnant-and-taking-care-of-a-16-month-old-in-the-sweltering-July-heat-what-do-you-want-from-me?! card and assure you that the blog content improve dramatically as soon as Josie's baby sibling decides to make her appearance.  She's due tomorrow and we're waiting with open arms, so send those prayers up! And in the meantime, much love to our 16 month old big sister-to-be!  Josie, you are a delight! 


  1. wohoo! didn't realize we were so close together with due dates! maybe you'll hang on another week (lol) and i'll go a week early and they can have the same birthday!

  2. Praying for a quick and smooth delivery.:) I love Josie's hair in this picture. So CUTE!

  3. I cannot wait to hear about baby sis!

  4. Praying for you as you deliver a sweet new bundle. Hope all goes smoothly and you and baby recovery quickly and are smothered in love from Josie when you arrive home.

  5. Happy Sweet 16, Josie-O! Talk that Mother of God of yours into taking you out for a celebratory frappucino...xoxoxxo

  6. I was completely in that situation 4 months ago. It was swelteringly hot here in Australia, I was 9 months pregnant and had my 16 month old learning new things.

    After so much stress about how to cope with two "babies", let me assure you, it can be done.

  7. She is just too cute! Can't wait to hear about the new baby. Good luck and hang in there with this heat!
