Well, it's been a rough couple of days around here. Josie had her one month post-op check-up with the cardiologist yesterday. It turns out her pulmonary hypertension is back with a vengence.
At this point, it is being attributed to an airway obstruction (not heart problems, thank heavens) so she has an appointment to see an ENT doctor in a few days to talk about tonsils, adnoids and other fun things like that. In the meantime, she's sporting her oxygen cannula around the clock again. Poor thing! While the cannula is not exactly at the height of fall fashion trends, Josie hasn't let it stop her from enjoying her daily activities like...

Leg Lifts (this kid has abs of steel)
Enthusiastically cheering for the ceiling fan
And just sittin' around being cute!
(Don't worry Ya Ya - I fixed her ear so it won't stay that way)
We have the utmost confidence that we will find a simple resolution to her breathing problems and that Josie will work really hard to eat well and gain weight so she can achieve her developmental milestones and continue to thrive.
Besides, what's there to worry about when Aunt Leanne prays for her every day? She's got some extra pull with the Big Guy Upstairs - this much I know!
She makes me want to cheer for the ceiling fan too! She's such a cutie!
ReplyDeleteOh, we will be praying too!! Love those pictures...she is just gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteKids are so tough, I have faith that she will pass over this bump in the road & get back to business in no time. How could she not do well with such an amazing family loving & supporting her??? :) Praying that you get good news soon.
ReplyDeleteso sorry to hear that o2 levels are not where they should be. I hope it is a simple fix w/ the ent and that she continues to grow and breathe much more easily :) thinking of you!
ReplyDeleteShe is so cute! Go ceiling fan, woohoo!!!
ReplyDeleteGetting caught up today... LOVE the emails from Leanne. That girl knows her food!
ReplyDeleteHope you get some answers for the PH. We are in the post op period (day 10) of T&A removal and I won't lie...it's not fun. BUT I do wish we'd been able to do it when she was younger. She'll be 4 in Nov. (Partly because it would have been easier before having another one around needing me at the same time.) I think it would have been easier on her, mostly. Just thought I'd share that, for what it's worth. :o)
Praying that they get her PH all figured out and taken care of. Love the ceiling fan cheering, we are HUGE fans of them at our house too!
ReplyDeletesweet baby girl! praying the levels get better! love that she is cheering the ceilin fan on!!!
ReplyDeleteJosie will be in my thoughts. Hopefully the hypertension/airway obstruction issues will be resolved quickly! Mine used to love the ceiling fan too! We called it our "Baby T.V."
ReplyDeleteSending well wishes and prayers for Josie. She is rockin' that boppy pillow like the true diva she is:) What a cutie!!!
ReplyDeleteThinking about you guys and little Josie. Hope all goes well and they can get those sats back up soon!