Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chili Cook Off 2011

It was another great year at the Chili Cook Off!  Grammie Deb was kind enough to watch Josie when she got back from the Chili Cook Off so I could attend.  I regret not taking more photos but I was having so much fun socializing that I neglected my blog duties.  My apologies - but here are a few glimpses into our big event...
The Fighting Chillini Team posing before leaving

 'You want some award winning chili? Say the word and I'll fix you a cup!'

Lots of happy customers

The place was packed!

 Travis wore a super cool chef's hat compliments of Grammie Deb.  It matches Josie's!
Team Fighting Chillini (L to R: Papa, YaYa, Travis, Elizabeth, & good friend, Curt)

While we were not finalists this year, Travis takes comfort in knowing we were beat by restaurant teams.  Besides, our participation helped a great cause and we feel really good about that. Both Grammie Deb and Mama Hop's handmade auction items sold for impressive bids and we are so grateful for their support.   We are also so appreciative of our friends and colleagues who came out to the event and cast their vote for Fighting Chillini.  Finally, we must express our heartfelt gratitude to YaYa and Papa for making it a priority to come to town and take part in the festivities every year.  We can't wait until next year!


  1. Great pictures - thanks for sharing!
    HEY - we want a picture of Daddy and Josie together in their chillini outfits before you put them away, please!!

  2. I'm sorry for not winning, But so happy for the support you and this great event raised.
