Sunday, December 11, 2011

Miss Independent - Leanne Makes Breakfast.wmv


  1. This is actually SO adorable. I love it!! Her serious "I'm an adult now" face is just too funny.

  2. Leane, I am so proud of you!
    I have to say that I LOVE the way Leanne talks so fast.:) And she is so darn cute:) Once again, thank you for sharing Leanne with us!

  3. OK, Leanne - tell the truth! Did you TRY to dip your toast into the (raw) yellow egg yolk?
    Hey Big Sis - count your blessings... at least she didn't get a BIG mixing bowl out, try to make SCRAMBLED eggs, and have them ALL end up on the kitchen floor! :- )

  4. Thank you for this post!!! I am in Ukraine, it's 5am and this made my day!!! Go Leanne!!!!!!

  5. Leanne, you are an ambitious chef. Don't you have Lucky Charms available to you? I have peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast. They're nice and trauma free. Sticky, though. Very sticky.
