Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not So Merry Christmas Card Photo Shoot 2011

It's that time of year again!  Last year Josie's Christmas card photo shoot was so successful, we decided to give it a whirl again: 

A couple of cute babies - Check!
Matching frilly Christmas dresses compliments of Mama Hop - Check!
Homemade portrait studio comprised of the down duvet from Mom & Dad's bed - Check!

What could possibly go wrong? 

First we had to get past Josie's obsession with shoes (or "ooze" as she calls them):
"What's this?  Black Mary Janes?!  I specifically requested Christian Louboutin pumps!"
 "Someone get my stylist on the phone!"
And of course Merryn had to spit up on her new dress no more than 30 seconds into it...
 It's like she's never seen a camera before!
Momentary memory lapse about our strict "nice hands" policy...
...which resulted in this!
*Notice the shocked expression of innocence on the perpetrator's face

 What's the matter with her?
 And y'all know what came next!
 Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
"I'm outta here!"

And if you're dying to see the perfect photo of these two merry munchkins celebrating the happiest of holidays with dual dazzling smiles, don't hold your breath.  Not such a shocker considering our track record with holiday photo shoots.  Hey - at least we were brave (foolish) enough to attempt it.  Which brings to mind one of my all-time favorite quotes:

The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.
- Abraham Lincoln 

Ok, so I'm pretty sure honest Abe wasn't exactly referring to a Christmas card photo shoot with two kids under two, but he'd be proud of the valiant effort no less.  Maybe next year...


  1. Oh my - too cute for words... I like Josie's white hair bows - they disappear and reappear just like magic!
    Maybe Daddy should hide underneath the white duvet cover and have a HAND around each girl! :- )

  2. Oh the one of them both crying is priceless! love it.

  3. Your girls are adorable, even if they aren't cooperative! :-)

  4. Oh My, this is a Great Post!!! Love it!!! Love the pictures even more!!! Already can't wait for next year!!

  5. consider a collage of all the outtakes as the card picture.....together they make a great story picture! xoxo

  6. Oh gosh I love this every picture..i was laughing because kids do the darnest things...priceless.

  7. This is how photo shoots go in our house too! They make the best pictures. I love the head tilt. Looks like fun!

  8. I stumbled upon your blog..we have two boys, three years apart, our oldest is 6 and has down syndrome. I just have to say I am falling over laughing at these pictures- it is so exactly how my world feels most days!
