So another cool thing about the Windy City is that it is home to many fantastic people that we love, so while we were there, we took advantage of the opportunity to visit some of them.
Leanne and I have two first cousins (that's it - count 'em - 1, 2) which makes it that much more special when they expand our family by welcoming a beautiful blue-eyed stunner by the name of Emily:
See? I told you she was lovely! Even Merryn was in awe of that precious face...or maybe it was the head full of luscious hair she was in awe of. Hopefully Miss Em shared some hair growth tips with Miss M .
Here is sweet Emily proudly showing off her wonderful parents - Jen & Steve. You would be hard-pressed to find kinder people. We are so blessed to call them family.
And we cannot fail to mention her oh-so-handsome albiet difficult-to-photograph big brother, Elias. That adorable little man is on the go!
One family member who was a little more inclined to stop and pose for a picture is the domesticated bunny who happily hops around the house. How cool is that?!
Here's someone else who is always willing to stop and pose!
We also had the good fortune of dining with our dear friend, Erin and her beau, Mark.
Erin has been my friend since first grade, so it was a great priviledge to be able to reunite with her and to introduce her to our children. Leanne was equally excited to see her - especially since Erin was kind enough to bring her a pair of Chicago Cubs footies! We all know how much Leanne adores footies!
Photo courtesy of Instagram
After dinner, Travis & Leanne were kind enough to take care of the girls so Erin and I could catch up.
Being able to reunite with loved ones is just another perk about our trip to Chicago. More on that to come...
Aunt Leanne has been patiently waiting for her turn to blog, so without further ado...
hi evrbody
i went to the chigo
say my cosin
steve and jenny
new baby memily
did not crying
saw erirn
lthnks for the froorries
like him wear
love leanne
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