Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mama Hop answers your questions!

You asked for and she obliged - Mama Hop is going to do a guest blog post!
 Mama Hop & Baby Josie
Not only does she have 35 years experience parenting a child with Down syndrome; she also has a Masters Degree in Special Education with 30 years of teaching experience under her belt!  She's a wealth of invaluable knowledge and hilarious anecdotes.  Here is your opportunity to ask her anything you ever wanted to know about parenting and educating a child with special needs. 
Mama Hop & Baby Merryn
Other topics on which Mama Hop offers unparalleled expertise include:
* Pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic Trivia
* Better-than-Bob-Ross watercolor painting
* Staging interventions with middle-aged friends who can't let go of their Farrah Fawcett circa 1976 hair
* Italian Pinot Grigio
*Creating treasured Pysanky (Google it)
* Handling anonymous death threats against your cat with grace and dignity
* Just kidding (kind of)
Mama Hop & Aunt Leanne
Here's how this is going to work:  You can submit a question for Mama Hop either by leaving a comment on this blog post OR by sending an email to
We're looking forward to hearing from YOU!


  1. Don't have a question...
    A comment, you mum is GORGEOUS.

    1. Thank you Christy. How much do I owe you? BTW, none of those photos were taken first thing in the morning.

  2. I'd love to know how one handles anonymous death threats against one's cat with grace & dignity.

    I'd also love to know how a parent (or teacher) keeps their perspective & level head while teaching and helping children learn when learning a certain task/concept, etc. can't be taken for granted.

    I'm looking forward to hearing the questions and answers.

  3. I have questions for Momma Hop...My daughter is two years old and carries the extra chromosome...she does not walk and her new physical therapist is advicing to put her a kind of hip/leg brace..I have never seen this kind of brace on children with Down syndrome...her former physical therapist advice sure step insole...word of advice, I do not want my daughter using this kind of hip/leg brace, any advice? also, my daughter does not know how to chew and her speech therapist does not believe in oral motot therapy? Here in Florida have not met a speech therapist who performs oral motor therapy, any advice? Thank you! I think you are a cool mom and grandma!

  4. Well, I would like to know what her secrets to staying young are? Lotion, sleep, wine..what's her secret? She is so beautiful.

  5. I'd love to know how Mama Hop (as a teacher and as a parent) keeps her patience when working with a little one who is struggling to pick up a new task.

    I'm also wondering how Mama Hop - considering her background - reacted when y'all announced your decision to start your family with a little one with an extra chromosome. I'm sure that's a great story.

    And of course, I'm curious about whether Mama Hop has a favorite story of parenting young Leanne and Elizabeth that she can share and what her secrets are for developing great sibling relationships between siblings with and without extra chromosomes.

  6. yay! well, i guess i kind of just wanted to hear her story about raising leanne. how she felt when she found out about her having Ds, her decisions in how she raised her, how she decided on having another child, etc... i'm surrounded by people my age with children the same age as rachel but hardly anyone who's really been there/done that. would love to hear how she got through the early trying ages.

  7. I'm happy to hear anything she has to say, but I have always loved pysanky eggs, so if she has some hints about good places to learn techniques, I'm all ears!

  8. I also want to know mama hop's first reaction to finding out she was getting a granddaughter with Down syndrome!

    Also, Mama Hop, if you had to give 3 quick tips to a parent of a person with Down syndrome, what would they be?

  9. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of one really good question, but I don't have one. I think I'll benefit from anything she shares. :) I'm so curious about her experience parenting both of you - what that looked like ... I think I wonder a lot about the relationships my children will have with each other as they grow. You and Leanne are really close, and I wonder how your mom encouraged that.

  10. OK, a few - how did Mama Hop handle being a teacher AND having her daughter in SPED? Was it at the same school? What's her best advice for the DS mama/SPED teacher/love my colleagues and my kid who starts next year?

    Also, wondering about long-term stuff for Leanne (living arrangements, etc), how Mama Hop handled the initial news about Leanne's diagnosis, and how she is so awesome, because you and Leanne are both hilarious. Clearly, Mama Hop helped with that.

    And a good wine recommendation?

    And seriously, her skin looks wonderful, any secrets to share?

  11. Okay! Addy has this awful habit of saying "STOOOOP!" whenever anyone says anything to her, around her to others etc. It's extremely rude and nothing we have tried has made her "STOOOOP!" Any suggestions??? :)

  12. My husband and I have been seriously considering adoption...most likely of a child with Ds. So, I'm curious as to what the biggest challenge in caring for Leanne is now that she is an adult. Is she in any day programs? Any type of vocational training? Any daily routines? It just seems, to me, that there are so few options for adults with special needs. And I'm a little curious as to how much freedom Leanne has - can she stay home alone, go to the mall alone - or does she really need steady supervision? What is the balance for independence?

    Also, I think Mama Hop is so gorgeous...maybe she should share some skin care tips!

  13. From all your observations in the schools and life in general, what is one change parents of children with disabilities could make in order to help their child?

  14. Ok, here you go...

    How did you handle the news of having a baby girl with Down Syndrome 35 years ago?
    Is there anything you regret about Leanne’s education, the way you raised her or anything you wish you could’ve done different? And why?
    Also, I would love to hear any funny stories from when you guys were younger and growing up!
    Oh!! and her secret to always looking so fresh and beautiful!

  15. I would love to know how she has prepared/arranged for Leanne's future financially. I'm sure having a sister that loves her so much helps with the peace of mind! We are looking into special needs trusts and just don't know anything about it! I would also like to know how she gets you back for all the abuse you dish out on this blog about her! :)

    1. LOL! I can't wait to see how she answers that one, Jenni!

  16. How is it different in society having a child with Down syndrome now as opposed to when Leanne was born. Attitudes etc.

  17. Please thank her for doing this,I've wanted to hear from her for so long.

  18. I would also like to know how Mama Hop handled being a special educator along with raising a child with special needs. I am going through school to become a special educator and I am also looking forward to the day I can adopt a child with the extra chromosome. It would be interesting to know how being at work with other children in a special education all day affects home life with your own child.

  19. All of my questions have already been asked. I'm looking forward to her answers!

  20. Others have already asked the questions I have. I'm looking forward to her answers!

  21. Elizabeth, I think you've mentioned how your Mom expected you and Leanne to act like "ladies." I'd love to hear Mama Hop's advice on training and disciplining a child with Down syndrome. Also, what was the best thing she did to promote such a great relationship between sisters?

  22. I think Elizabeth has mentioned that Mama Hop expected her girls to act like "ladies." I'd love to hear her advice on training and disciplining a child with Down syndrome. Also, what was the best thing you did to promote such a great relationship between sisters?

  23. As a special education teacher and parent of a special needs child what are Mama Hope's thoughts on inclusion?

  24. I think my family is being called to adopt a child with Down Syndrome from somewhere in Eastern Europe, where they are not appreciated or respected at all. We have no experience with adoption or special needs children, any advice?
    - Lauren B.

  25. On the lighter side, I'm interested in Mama Hop's beauty secrets.

  26. What are the two most similar things she has noticed about raising a baby with Ds 35 yrs ago and you guys and baby Josie? What is the most different sign of the times thing?
