Saturday, May 11, 2013

A New Chapter Begins...

And the award for most neglected blog goes to...Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced!
Ugh!  Sorry it's been awhile.  To say that we've been a little busy is a bit of an understatement.  You see, all of our worldly possessions were packed into hundreds of boxes and loaded on to a huge truck and delivered, several days later, to our new residence a few states away. 
You see this mess?
These boxes stretched wall-to-wall across our new home and we've been trying to dig ourselves out ever since. 
Despite how stressful and labor intensive the past couple of weeks have been, the big move did allow us some cool opportunities.  On the way to our new residence, we were able to stop and visit with some cherished family members.  This is my mom's cousin, John Perry.  They grew up together and they're really close.
 John Perry and his lovely wife, Jan, have a son named Jeff, who is so awesome we asked him to be the godfather of our girls.  "Godfather," as Josie calls him, was kind enough to invite us over for a delicious steak dinner.  It was so funny to hear her refer to him as "Godfather" all night that I may never tell her what his real name is.  Godfather has a super cool bachelor pad that's got all sorts of thoughtful tributes to our family everywhere.
 The most memorable part of Godfather's home is his man cave.  It puts you in the mood to party as soon as you walk in!  The girls loved the jukebox and they proudly showed off their seated dancing skills while being serenaded by some classic Michael Jackson hits.
 We had so much fun and we wish we could have hung out with John Perry, Jan, and Godfather more, but we needed to resume our journey to our new home.
 It was super exciting to be able to see our new place all finished.  The girls zeroed in on a few favorite features including these built-in nightlights.  They quickly realized that if you cover up the light sensor, the nightlight will come on.  Talk about a fascinating discovery!  Aunt Leanne is a nightlight connoisseur.  She's going to love them, too.
 Oh and then there's the pint-sized potty in the girls' bathroom.  We had that installed to accommodate Josie's gross motor delays.  At 3 years old, she seems ready to potty train but she just doesn't have the strength or coordination to climb up on a stool and use a normal-sized toilet.  We figured this miniature version would help her achieve toileting independence sooner.  This tiny toilet was my favorite feature of the new house until...
 ...we looked out the kitchen window and discovered that our backyard "neigh"bor is Mr. Ed!  How cool is that?! 
 Travis' mom was kind enough to fly to our new residence to help with the big move and we could not be more grateful.  Because we were consumed from sun up to sun down with unpacking (and toddler supervision - a full-time job in itself), my MamaRazzi duties were neglected so the only photos documenting this week are those featured on Instagram...
...and this little gem.  Yes, Merryn's pajamas are on backwards.  The child has left us no choice.  She instantly removes every article of clothing I put on her - including her diaper.  And because she's not *ahem* potty trained just yet, having a "nekkid baby" running around the house just won't work.  The backwards pajamas thing seems to be an effective solution...for now.  Give her time.
We made a lot of progress this week but we're still a ways away from being settled.  It's an adventure and we're committed to enjoying the ride!


  1. That house is gorgeous... and so big!! Lot's of room for your littles to run and play!

  2. Looks like a lovely home! Have fun settling in and enjoying your new surroundings! (And if you're in Minnesota/Twin Cities, please send me a message!)

  3. Looks cold where you are. I've guessed Minnesota too! LOL.

    Anyhow.. sad news.. one of the Kriss Kross members died this past week or so!

    Lovely new home! Can't wait to see it furnished and become home! I always love your updates and those cutie pie girls!

  4. What a beautiful house!! Looks like it's the perfect place for you and your "rugrats." Adorable pictures of the girls, as always! Josie has the BEST smile and Merryn looks so adorably mischevious :)

  5. Love your new house. Hope you are settling in nicely. Oh Duct tape works wonders! Trust me! LOL
