Friday, August 2, 2013

Patience is a Virtue

We'd like to extend sincere apologies to our loyal readers as there's been nothing but the lonely sound of crickets chirping here at CCE during the past couple of weeks.  We just returned from a fantastic vacation with Travis' family but I learned a hard lesson in the process: compensating for a week out of town by double booking ourselves the week we return compounded by heaps of post-travel laundry makes for a massive vacation hangover and a severely neglected blog.
But have no fear, there are plenty of blog post ideas and entertaining photos that will find their way to the blog one of these days like a post about Mama Hop and the Flamenco Photo Shoot Fiasco and The Surprise Papa Waited 59 Years For...
But there is one little announcement that can't wait - a friend of mine who is a super mom and a talented photographer has written a fantastic ebook about how to get beautiful photographs of your children.  It's a fast and easy read that is packed with tons of great information and if you purchase it before the end of the day today (August 2nd), it's on sale for only $2.99 so check it out HERE

Stay tuned!  There's more great stuff to come here at CCE but as I tell my children...
ME: Patience is a ___?
ME:  That's right, patience is a virtue :)


  1. Okay! I'll wait. I need my Merryn and Josie fix!

  2. My Mom used to say patience is a virtue to us too!

  3. "Birchew" haha! I love it!
