Friday, February 7, 2014

Little Mother Hen Continued...

Since posting about our "Little Mother Hen" yesterday, Merryn offered further demonstration of her take-charge tendencies that beautifully illustrate my point.   

Exhibit A:

Every morning Merryn wakes up, goes potty, grabs a handful of books, climbs in Josie's bed, and proceeds to "read" to her.  This morning when I walked into the girls' room, Merryn was reading the yoga book, and Josie was "hanging upside down like a bat," per Merryn's directive:
Here's a little snippet of video for your viewing pleasure:

As adorable as that is, things don't always go so smoothly when Merryn tries to call the shots.  

Exhibit B:

Here is a sequence of clips where Merryn attemtps to feed Josie.  In the last clip, you can see that Josie clearly did not want the piece of cheese that Merryn was forcing her to eat:
After witnessing this struggle, of course I had to step in and take charge.  Merryn did not appreciate me undermining HER authority and the whole incident resulted in this epic tantrum:
And what may come as the promise of refuge for Josie in the very near future...

Exhibit C:

Merryn wanders into the kitchen where I was tidying and she whipped a baby bottle out of her purse and informed me that she was going to feed the new baby.  She proceeded to "feed" my pregnant belly:
Hang in there, Josie.  Soon "Little Mother Hen" will have double the workload and maybe, just maybe, she'll back off a little bit!


  1. so darn adorable....maybe not always to Josie!


  2. VIDEO!!!! Thank you! :-) God bless, Michele F.

    1. Just for YOU and Travis' Grandma :-)

    2. Well, I am in good company, then. Sorry to cause you extra work! (But secretly glad. :-) God bless, Michele F.

  3. If you are planning to breastfeed, I can so see her man handling your feeders so she can "help." Haha

  4. I wonder if Josie will feel jealousy at the attention Merryn gives the new baby.

  5. Still laughing at her force feeding poor Jo Jo! And feeding your belly, simply awesome! Watch out baby!
