Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Green-Eyed Monster

Our original "baby" is a 7 year old Maltese named "Lillian Elenore"; Lilly or Lil for short.  That is, unless Leanne is around in which case the dog is addressed only by her food nickname, "Meatball".  Anyway, Lilly's never been known for being particularly welcoming to guests nor is she very pleased to share her parents' attention with others.  We were a little concerned about how she would react when we brought Josie home but we were relieved when she decided to ignore her.  However, we seem to be observing a hint of passive-aggressive jealously...
Fits me just right

Move your meat, lose your bouncy seat!

What are you looking at?  I'm working on my skills and abilities.

It's not as though Lilly doesn't have her own accommodations.  She has not one, but TWO dog beds!  One for lounging in the family room, the other for soaking up the sun by the window (Lil likes to get her tan on).  Prime real estate all to herself! 

Today, Lilly desperately sought the attention of Sharon, Josie's physical therapist...
Hey Sharon - check out my superb head control!

And this is a pretty standard scene when Travis gets home from work and goes to greet Josie...
Eh, she's overrated.  Pay attention to me!

A picture is worth a thousand words.  Check out this cold stare; you can cut the hostility with a knife!

Poor, poor Lillian. 


  1. Oh Lillian is so cute. I think one day she will be best friends with Josie.

  2. Poor Lillian.....Have to say that Josie's outfit is fabulous, though! No wonder Lily is jealous! :)

  3. Poor dog, ours look the same way!

  4. Too too funny!! What a character!

  5. If the doggie behaviors turn into any kind of issue, please watch "The Dog Whisperer" on the National Geographic channel... or ask me :)

  6. cute dog!! i have always wondered if a small dog would be good for mayson????? that last picture of josie is adorable!!!!!

  7. Please, please, please...show Aunt Leanne my blog and ask her for a food nickname for Jack! http://stinkerie.blogspot.com Love the pictures of Meatball and Catfish with Ketchup!

  8. Elizabeth, you are such a gifted story teller. The words you use are so descriptive and create an illusion that the reader can easily understand. I may be the only male following your blog but I certainly appreciate your sharing the days of your family's life with that bundle of joy named Josie!!!!!!!!
