Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Shoes!

What's this?

New Shoes!

Yaaaaaay for new shoes!!!!
(I can't believe I actually got her to clap on command!)

Well, they're not actually new.  You see, these adorable Robeez were a gift from YaYa months ago.  But Miss Josie just now fits into size 0-6 months shoe size and there's still plenty of room at the toe!  They sure look cute on her and they match 99% of Josie's perpetually pink wardrobe.  YaYa keeps this kid looking stylish!

Speaking of YaYa, Josie can't wait to show off her new shoes to YaYa in person this weekend.  YaYa and Papa are coming to visit us to support Daddy as he enters a chili cook off fundraiser to benefit our favorite charity.  This charity does awesome things for individuals with special needs in our community and we are so excited to take part in this chili cook off for the second year in a row.  Daddy's chili took 3rd place last year so we're looking forward to another successful year.  Regardless of how our team ranks, we know we're going to have a great time supporting a great cause!


  1. Mayson lived in robeez!!! they are the best! and josie looks adorable in them as well!!!! she is getting so big!

  2. Lovin thoses shoes! I have a major baby shoe fetish! robeez are the best!

  3. Alayna loved hers too, wore them forever as her feet grow oh soooo slowly.

  4. ...gotta love Josie in her pink baby shoes! Some day, I am going to buy 9 of the most adorable baby shoes/sandals I can find and make a baby mobile out of them! Think it would catch on?
    Good luck in the chili cookoff! Will you be eating leftover chili for the next week or so? :-)
    Hugs to (((Josie)))

  5. Love the new shoes!!! I know what you mean about just fitting into gifts. Love the pink.

  6. Ben has a pair of those too! With Dragons...WIsh we lived closer to come to the Chili cook off! Love Chili!

  7. Love the shoes and that sweet girl's smile!

  8. I love Josie's shoes!
    I am putting together a slideshow and I would love to include a photo of Josie..can you email me if you are willing to contribute one? Thank you!

  9. Those ARE cute shoes! And I love her clapping!
