Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One of my all time favorite photos...

Don't you just love those photos that truly capture a Kodak moment?  Well, this is one of my favorites because it truly reflects the essence of the family I grew up in.  It was taken a couple of summers ago at a Mexican restaurant.  Us girls thought we'd squeeze in together to pose for a nice family shot.  Well, two of us thought that.  Apparently Leanne had a different kind of pose in mind...
Me, Mama Hop, and Muscle Woman

My mom and I didn't realize that Leanne had sabotaged the photo until we saw it later.  And the reality is that there has never been a more perfect family photo. 

It has been framed on my desk ever since.  I just happened to glance at it tonight, chuckle, and I decided to share it with the blogosphere.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, well, that's my big sister, Folks! 

...just another Kodak Moment brought to you by Aunt Leanne.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo..

  2. Kodak moment for sure. Love it!!!

  3. I think that Leanne is simply my favorite person in blogland. Seriously, she needs her own reality show. I look forward to her visits and when you share her emails, it is so obvious how loved and adored she is and it makes my heart burst. She is life personified!

    Thank you for sharing your amazing family.


  4. Awesome! And her pasty-ness just adds to the awesomeness of her pose!
